Although I am not ready to give up my summer clothes yet, a small but smart add as autumn officially entered sounds nice… Ok, the main reason was that I loved the storefronts with all this new autumn collections …
Hello from Athens.We just got back to town from holidays and still adapt, keep sneaking around with my holiday “uniform”. You know, denim shorts in relaxed mood, carefree expression and only concern in which beach to lie down… Unfortunately …
Hi my blinkers, Προσπαθούσα εδώ και αρκετό καιρό να βρω μια ολόσωμη φόρμα η οποία να μου αρέσει αλλά και να εφαρμόζει άψογα πάνω μου, ταλαιπωρήθηκα αρκετά γιατί όσες έβρισκα δεν ήταν αυτό που ήθελα ή απλά δεν μου …